This next one is entitled new view because we decided at the last minute Sunday night to take out the middle part of the dumb dividing fence. No real reason other than it bugged me because it served no purpose except to let people know we have three yards in back instead of two. The hardest part will be when the old owner comes by to see what we have changed. Too bad. You snooze, you loose.

These peas are so the Queen can see what's popping up green.

Here are some beets that I plan to pickle ... this because way back when, I was in a 4H group that was on canning. We were supposed to enter at least one canned item into the fair, but I was lazy and, instead, took a jar of my Mum's pickled beets from the year before and entered them. Wouldn't you know it, Mum took first prize, only the tag read "showing signs of age" ... you think?

On Saturday I finally took the time to properly prune back the lilac tree and Neal helped prepare the ground for some wood chips as the grass is perfectly pathetic. My reward? Within days the peony bush that my Mother-In-Law was afraid would never bloom did my hard work justice. Sweet smells for outdoor dining ...

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