Yesterday, though, I had him snap a couple of pictures so I could, like charlotte, look them up later, at home, and identify them. The first is an orange sulphur / colias eurytheme

the second is a red admiral / vanessa atalanta

neither one is hard to sight, but, man! I was reading to Neal part of the description of the red admiral and it says " common. erratic " uhhh ... yah. you should have seen neal ... squatting with the camera, moving all over the beach, crab-style. it was great comic relief. I think that was how we both got burnt.
this was my favourite picture of the whole day, I must say. I call it " this sand is stinkin hot " and I think it should be added to my pieces for the studio tour this fall. price-less. he is actually running to the blanket. I should have moved it, just for fun times. at least I would have found it funny.

better watch my back ...
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