I love being a bonafide hick ...
Here, the town crier and his wife start the parade. He knows all about our heritage home and loves to talk to the boys about the history of Petrolia.

In the car ride the Petroia fair Queen and the two runner-ups. Beautiful Queen Bethany happens to have graduated from homeschool this past year ... way to represent! (she is in the middle)

This next picture cracks me up. If you look really, really closely, you can see MY entry ... strawberry freezer jam. Apparently it was not up to snuff, since the judges clearly tried to hide it from spectator view. sheesh. It won first prize two years in a row in the next town over ...

My "single stem of sedum", however, faired much better ... see the perty red ribbon?

Now for the boys ... I was particularly proud of Evan's photographs in this category, as it was an adult competition, and he placed second for his collage of "day on the farm"

Here are a few of the other items the boy-o's entered:

This was a "special" and won Jonam $10.00. "a monster made out of vegetables"

Evan has finally mastered my prize-winning chocolate chip cookie recipe, taking first place. He now goes on to compete in the District level in November, and, hopefully, the Provincial level. I tell you, chocolate chip cookies are tres importante around here, folks. And if you ever do make the drive up here, I promise I will bake you up a batch ... or maybe Evan should from now on ... way to carry the torch, young man!

Lastly, a picture of two fellow homeschooling friends. Bethany the Fair Queen's sister Holly was named Petrolia Fair Princess, and Nathan, named "man of the future", Jonam's goal for next year's fair. Homeschool families in this area take the better part of the first couple weeks of "school" to prepare for the fair. We only found the fair book on Wednesday this week and spent Thursday concocting. Guess we better start early for 2008 ...

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