Wednesday, October 1, 2008

wordless wednesday


Anonymous said...

Awww! I want one!! (the fuzzy thing, not the children - haha) What is that?
Don't you love how it's "wordless wednesday" yet we ask you more questions? ;) Or.. is that the point?? HMM...

Barbara said...

what a lovely daughter you have. snort. Who is the furry guy? He's kinda cute. Not that I want one on my arm, but still. I must be allergic to your boys. Everytime I see their pictures my eyes get all runny....

Anonymous said...

A granddaughter!!!!! Yippe! \O/ Oh, wait a minute. Kristina would surely have told me first. Sooo like K2, Mummo aka Mom wants to know what the 'furry' thingy is called! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh BTW, my allergies are the same as Best Sister too. sniff, sniff, :-( ....Counting down the years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, seconds, nano seconds until you guys are back !!!! XXXX

* said...

this is Tikki ... a sugar glider. They live in bush and are kind of hard to catch because they are nocturnal.