Tuesday, January 9, 2007

while I've "got" you

seems most days I kind of coast by doing my thing and not giving a whole exegesis on the who, what, where, when or why of it all ... it's "just because".

well, Father has been revealing to me, precept upon precept, that it is so much more than that below the surface. I don't have to force my reactions through rose-coloured glasses per se, though I learned in Pollyanna that the concept isn't completely wrong. Optimism is a boon to believers, and I remain convinced Father will keep teaching me as long as I am asking to be taught ... while He's "got" me.

The same idea applies to my homeschooling. My children look up to me for the answers, and, more often than not, for the questions. My job is to teach them how to think critically ... not so they will emulate my all-too-frequent pessimism, but so they will grow in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men, able to stand their ground, and after they have done everything , to stand. ( 1Samuel 2; 26 Luke 2:52 , Ephesians 6:13 )

While I've "got" you ...

Time seems an endless stream of tomorrow's when we are in the thick of things, and yet one day my children will have graduated and I will wonder who emptied my bucket of days. I need to be in the Word daily, refilling my cup and drinking deeply, fighting the temptation to give up or give in. In this life I will always be thirsty. Finding refreshment is not always easy.

Neither is God, but while He's "got" me, it's got to be good, because I've "got" Him.

No variety of love is too trivial for exegesis. No aspect of love is so ridiculous that it hasn't been exhaustively reviewed by the great thinkers, the great artists, and the great hosts of daytime talk shows.
-- P. J. O'Rourke, Eat the Rich

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