Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tales From Shakespeare

When I was in High School, like everyone else, we studied one of Shakespeare's plays each year.  I knew to expect that, but I never thought I would absolutely fall in love!  I eagerly memorized a soliloquy to present to the class.  I don't think I'll ever forget the poor classmate of mine who, delivering her speech as one of Macbeth's witches, spray-dyed her hair green only to return to class the next day still green!

When I got the chance to study Shakespeare again in University, I was ready.  I remember that the final exam was going to be on thirteen of the fifteen plays we would be covering that year.  I took the "easy" route and simply chose two of his plays that I wouldn't read at all.  Thank God for graduate students to live with, and learn from; my roommate gave me that wise advice.  I also acted in every one of his plays my College put on.  Never enough.

So, why all the talk about Shakespeare on a Saturday?  I know my bestsister will agree with me that he is a fantastic writer; that we have both counted the days till we could introduce him to our children.  I picked up a large copy of the Lamb's Tales From Shakespeare at the local public school almost three years ago.  They were practically giving it away.  I guess it didn't interest anyone there (can I say idiots?).  I started reading from the book on Tuesday afternoons, surrounded by teacups and little cookies, right after reciting poetry.  We have not managed to hold to this as a consistent tradition for some reason (flighty Mom I guess) but I am reminded today by this email, and just had to let you know.

Our story this week is The Winter's Tale, as retold by Mary Lamb.

Did I mention that I am starting a curriculum guide for Swiss Family Robinson, now that Cheaper by the Dozen is on  I just thought it was cool that both the Lamb's book and Swiss Family are children's books from the 1800's still in print!

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