Outside My Window... well, the curtains are still shut, so I actually don't know
I am thinking... that last night was great; good food, nice wine and an engagement announcement
I am thankful for... new, non-smelling warm slippers
From the kitchen... another loaf o pulla, courtesy of my mom and dad, who love to bake it AND give it away
I am wearing... jeans and a sweatshirt. It just felt like that kind of day
I am creating... well, for today I am just trying to stay awake
I am going... to pick up the plates for a car that would make Dave Ramsay proud
I am reading... going to start the Jane Austin Book Club
I am hoping... that Neal feels like the flu is really and truly gone (please)
I am hearing... Canada A.M. on the tv
Around the house... let's see ... some new used pieces of furniture collected on Saturday and the pile of laundry that marks Monday
One of my favorite things... completed projects
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Sonic on Tuesday, rehearsals Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, catching up on reading the rest of the time. A quiet week, juxtaposed with a busy last few days
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I take it you meant Jane AustEn. Dad
Wow. A comment from your DAD!!! I might need to start spelling things wrong on my blog so he'll comment on mine too :-)
Love that picture. Are you sure you don't want to....never mind.
barb, just so there are no hard feelings, you should have said "wrongLY
Kristina's Dad
Kristina's dad needs to go read this post and all the ensuing comments (including mine): http://www.susanwisebauer.com/blog/the-raving-writer/really-more-of-a-philosophical-question/
(So does my own dad, who edits for a living.) But that isn't actually what I stopped by to say.
What did I stop by to say?... Oh yeah, I remember:
(1) Last week I needed a clipboard so I pulled some papers off one that had been languishing on my schoolroom desk for a couple years. Among those papers was an article I'd printed off the HSB Company Porch about fun ways to teach kids the parts of speech. I just happened to glance at the author's name and it was... yup, Kristina Campbell. So of course I thought of you, since, um, that IS you.
(2) I just got an email from my cousin-in-law who informed me that he's just taken a position with Wycliffe and the family will be heading to PNG in 10 mos. So of course I thought of you AGAIN. (Oh, and ironically, before she married him, my cousin's last name was... Campbell.)
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