Outside My Window... mostly grey and windy
I am thinking... that it is like a dream that I got to both go away on a mini-vacation and hung out with my brother until just a few hours ago
I am thankful for... my husband's job that meets all our needs
From the kitchen... whole wheat mac and cheese and salad
I am wearing... things that really require warmer weather, sadly
I am creating... a clean home
I am going... to make the boys suffer through some school today
I am reading... nogat samting
I am hoping... to help timtam eat and drink then find the litterbox
I am hearing... my boys
Around the house... two fuzzy, orange boys for two fuzzy fleshy ones
One of my favorite things... good food that goes down easily
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... sticking to the plan
Two kittens at once?!
They are soooo cute.
Wow... your husband must be really great!
you are not an envious wife, really, are you ...
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