when I was in papua, I couldn't blog with any regularity because getting onto the internet was 'prit near impossible. now that I am back to 'civilization' I find that life generally runs at light speed, whether you want it to or not. meetings each week, social obligations, stuff to shop for, phone calls and e-mails endlessly streaming in ... the list goes on and on. not that I want to
really be a hermit, but sometimes, when I finally turn my computer on after being away for just.one.day, I feel all the stress stomp back into place (usually my neck and shoulders) that slipped off so easily while I was not "on".
... probably need counselling for that.
I don't begrudge technology, I only wish I was more efficient. I think I can tend to let things pile up too often only to feel the mountain-ness of said molehill. like tomorrow ... the fam is going away with another fam for two days then having company stay until monday. I am one of those sorts of people who, generally, does not answer the phone if I have someone over, nor will I turn my computer on unless I have something specific to show them.
this is going to be a busy weekend.
this is going to expose and test a lot of things for me.
does that prove I *am* anal?
well then I'll be sure to call lots of times and leave lots of messages and email you lots of ridiculous things over the weekend, so that on Tuesday you feel totally loved :-)
so not anal. b
sadly, i can relate.
but, um, isn't it supposed to be a "thursday throwBACK"? will next week's post be a "thursday throwOUT?"
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