Friday, November 19, 2010

And the child that is born on the Sabbath day ...

today's post is difficult because I do not like to talk about myself unless someone is asking me specific questions ... then it's easy, which is why I actually enjoy job interviews.  twisted.

this is going to be boring, but it's all she wrote.

Write the first paragraph of your autobiography.

I was born on a Sunday, November 21, 1971, promptly at lunchtime, in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, much to my mother's delighted chagrin (yes, I can use antonyms as parallel descriptive words to present the full picture) because she was in the middle of an exciting part of her novel and did not want to put it down.  Personally, I think that just about sums up my life, but doesn't count as a paragraph, so I need to write some more.

I continue to go to school as it would seem I am one of "those" people, and currently live with my man, my two teenaged boys and two cats.  I also suspect mice but they are not included here.  I used to homeschool but have since switched to bookseller, tutor and educational therapist.  I play the guitar before I go to bed every night.  It keeps me sane.  Plus I heard it makes you smarter.  The jury is still out on that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah yes I remember it well. :-) My friends hate me 'cos I was one of those "what labour pains" kinda woman. Whoo hoo! Anyway in the book....a guy was walking in the woods and came across a dead body - who wouldn't want to find out what happens next. After you were all snug as a bug in a rug, I remember saying " Now can I finish my book?" I got some strange looks. Can't imagine why. Hmmm XXX Love Mom P.S. Happy Birthday on Sunday again...Look for an envelope in the mail "just 4 U" XXOO