Wednesday, November 23, 2011


well, so far, having turned 40 has made absolutely no difference in my life other than the fact that I can now officially say I am 40 when asked my age.

yes, people ask me how old I am all.the.time.

yes, I have been saying 40 for a long time, too.  I figured I might as well get used to the number.

but, no ... nothing has changed.

I still stayed up too late last night, subsequently slept in this morning, gave myself a pretty bad hair-do, took my oatmeal with me ... still in a bowl ... to work, to eat, along with hot chocolate ... for breakfast then spilled roasted red pepper soup on my new white button down at lunch.
it stained
it made me cranky
so I ate a cupcake

the only thing that really made me think about my age today happened during a therapy session.

the task, in particular, was for me to say a series of numbers that the client repeats, then plays on my mini glockenspiel.  the tunes are simple, like mary had a little lamb and doe a dear ... but this client didn't know any of the good ole songs

I challenged him on it.  like, you're kidding me that you don't recognize any of these, right? cause I learned these back in school!  that's when he said it:

well, you're old, mrs. campbell


The dB family said...

Lovely! Thank you child :o)! I still say I LIKE being forty.


Kelly said...

Forty is the new twenty...
I hope you had a Happy Birthday!
Thnking of you,