Friday, March 21, 2008

trial by fire? HIGH Day

While I am very happy for my husband, anotherblogonthefire, that he was accepted into the prestigious LOOK Show for the second year in a row, I do not, myself, care to be "pushed". Thankfully that didn't happen this morning as I was the head Director at HIGH Day. Our usual "go see Sharon" was sick and couldn't make it. She did, however, have the courtesy to let me know well in advance. I took it all in stride and just did whatever I felt was right at the moment. My list of things to tell her about the day is kind of long, but in the end I would have to say that the worst it got, in my eyes, was that we seem to be at the end of our glue, ruler and eraser supply.

Pigs continued to be dissected, outdoor fires were lit despite the drizzle, food smelled amazing from the kitchen, garden seeds and soil got vacuumed up, it was the wood-carver's assistant and not a student who needed a band-aid, only one wee one pee-ed her pants, most students finally have tap shoes, the roman soldiers finished their shields, all the moms who signed up for nursery actually came and stayed today, we discovered where all the scalpels, magnifying glasses and slides accidentally got placed, magnets and filings were returned, missionary posters came together, little ones found a new room to run in, things were drawn and written, I re-assured numerous moms that "yes ... barb IS coming back next year", I DIDN'T need to give a lecture on gossip, I managed to sing O Canada in one key, no miscellaneous papers were found AND I turned off all the lights ... now I can finish that rhubarb pie from last night, over a cup of tea.