Outside My Window... acres and acres of snow
I am thinking... school wasn't so bad today
I am thankful for... days off with my husband, especially when he chooses to stay with us for the whole school day, helping me find my way around the new stuff and encouraging me to describe myself with an adjective other than "idiot"
From the kitchen... not enough
I am wearing... because it is MUCH later in the day, jeans, great socks (though I miss bare feet), a Vancouver t-shirt that I actually bought in Hong Kong, and a super gray sweater
I am creating... well, I should be editing my latest e-book, but ...
I am going... to start dreaming about furnishings
I am reading... Stormie's book, and thinking that she is really brilliant
I am hoping... nothing goes wrong over the next few days
I am hearing... that unmistakable, ear-splitting, headache-inducing, rather irritating sound of Lego shuffling. it could very well drive me mental for real
Around the house... the tick tock of a solitary clock
One of my favorite things... my own pillow, which I finally secured this weekend
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... starting with our new curriculum choices and wading through them well. that, and a couple of hard meetings I have to be present at
Here is picture thought I am sharing ... because I prefer palms presently
HAHAHA!! SOoooo sorry about the Lego!! ;)
Okay so I don't have a palm tree but I do have a palm plant that I started from a twig I got from Ardy Pollex. \O/ Come and see it some time. :-) Mom
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